Natural products are always better for you internally and externally. They do not cause any serious side effects. Its good for the environment too, you will not be creating any non degradable garbage to the earth! Your bit of help to a greener environment. Its cheaper sometimes compared to expensive chemical products for your problems. No harm in trying natural way before you decide on anything! There are many more reason to move to Natural products!
Start small with changing a thing or two in your everyday regime, be it beauty products or eatables or home products. Make the change and see how you feel about it. If you are in Bangalore, you will already know about the plastic ban here. Initially it was very difficult to segregate garbage and carry our own cloth bags to supermarkets. But now I'm sure you will love the feel of carrying cloth bags to shops, understanding how much plastics you use by segregating your home waste and trying to reduce it. So change is difficult at the start, but you will understand that the change is for your good!
When you look back, you would love these changes you made years back and feel good about yourself. Be a role model for the next generation to have a greener environment around them.

Are you using the expensive alcohol laded toners to help you come out of your skin problems? Or are you thinking to start using toners in your CTM routine?
Apple Cider Vinegar is the cheaper option and a natural product so that the skin doesn't have to absorb any chemicals. Buy the purest raw form (undistilled) of ACV from the store. Look for the word - "With the Mother". ACV provide natural alpha hydroxy acids and maintains the natural pH levels of your skin. It helps removing dead skin and improving acne marks too.
Mix in 1 part ACV with 2 parts distilled water to create your own DIY natural toner and store it in a clean spray bottle. Dampen a cotton ball or swab and swipe across the face after cleansing. Leave it for 2 mins and then go ahead with your normal moisturizer.