Below is the snippets from the book "The Professional" by Subroto Bagchi. It is a wonderful book and a must read for every professional. Read and enjoy!!!
1. Unsupervised work - should be able to do work without any supervision
2. Do the work correctly - complete justice to the work
3. Ethical - should be ethical - personal phone calls using company phone
4. Integrity - if there are rules - we need to follow the rules, if there are no rules then we need to use our common sense
5. Self aware - we should be self aware
6. Authentic - we should not use someone we don't know as reference
7. If we do not know something we should be quite instead of exposing and getting limelight in all instances- the more you pretend the more naked you become
8. We all have gaps - our main job is to identify the gap and fill it - even if it is to ask you juniors
9. We need to know our future rather than go in a direction it takes us
10. Be self aware - do an exercise - close ur eyes and observe all the sound you hear - we miss out on our own breath that means we are not self aware
2. Do the work correctly - complete justice to the work
3. Ethical - should be ethical - personal phone calls using company phone
4. Integrity - if there are rules - we need to follow the rules, if there are no rules then we need to use our common sense
5. Self aware - we should be self aware
6. Authentic - we should not use someone we don't know as reference
7. If we do not know something we should be quite instead of exposing and getting limelight in all instances- the more you pretend the more naked you become
8. We all have gaps - our main job is to identify the gap and fill it - even if it is to ask you juniors
9. We need to know our future rather than go in a direction it takes us
10. Be self aware - do an exercise - close ur eyes and observe all the sound you hear - we miss out on our own breath that means we are not self aware
11. Always take feedback - we always tend to take feedback from people who are nice to us or who give good feedback, we should rather consider this as an improvement and work on it
12. Never lose touch with your work - if we become a senior manager we tend to forget our core testing skills or typing skill, so every now and then we need to keep refreshing them
13. Being proactive - is to live like a king, not afraid of anything, willing to start a conversation, willing to start something new, but there will be more trouble/work but king is not afraid of trouble
14. Always take charge - when any tough situation comes take ownership to solve
15. Be humble - we should not give respect to a person bec he is a senior manager, rather we should respect as a person not position
16. Time management - don't overeat, Sleep well, exercise well, meditate - doing all this will infact increase time
17. Doing more by doing less - being engaged 24/7 does not mean ur achieving more, rather disengage from unwanted stuffs and do what encourages u
18. Have a to do list - also can follow 18 minute rule, 5 minutes preparing what to achieve today, 1 minute to review every hr, 5 minutes to check if something cud have been done better
19. Saying no - never do things u do not want to do, say no to chores or requests outside of work, please do not attend the meeting if it is of no value to u or if u feel u r not going to add any value addition
20. Quit whining - always people say they want challenging jobs, challenging jobs are just an illusion, all jobs are monotonous like doctor, etc making the routine interesting is a challenge - quit a job if the entire organization is hampering ur growth
21. Bigger view - always do things with best of ur abilities it can be a small or big work, it will pay back in future
22. Connectors - good to have a lot of network
23. Whitespace - when we are traveling or waiting in clients office do not waste time rather use that as a whitespace between words - should be an oasis of recreation and rest
24. Reuse - whatever you are trying to do try maximum to reuse like presentations, documents etc
25. Touch time - when a material goes out of a factory that is the touch time not how much of a machinery they have etc, likewise we can be busy throughout the day and yet not achieve our touch time - so maintain a time entry for he entire day to see how much of an unproductive work we do - also it is essential to take a periodic off to refresh ourselves
26. When path diverge - job is like a marriage or buying a new house, we need to look for all aspects and also both the job and the organization should be good. Do not Change jobs just for a salary hike, always try to add value
27. Always have vision - our profession is an instrument to build and deliver value to others, what good is the instrument in the hands of a person who has no vision
28. Values are very important to a person, we should not fake for tax benefits
29. Commitment to commitment - we must try to keep even small commitments which we make, if we do not keep the commitments it's not disrespecting others it is disrespecting yourself
30. Be prepared - always be very well prepared to go for any meeting erc, consider a doctor and everyone if I have to repeat ur problem it wud frustrate u rather if he had all info abt u u would be happy likewise when we are going to a meeting be prepared with last time action items everything
31. Ask pertinent questions - always ask 5 whys and 1 how to do a root cause analysis thereby we can fix the actual issue
32. Intent listening - make the other person feel genuinely that u r listening
33. Treat everyone as a human being - even if they are motionless
34. Being transparent is always rewarding
35. Abilene paradox - individually we might not want to do a particular task but in a group we would agree to do like Satyam computers
36. Use both sides of the brain
37. 8 levels of intelligence have to be developed - literary, music, kinesthetic, inter personal, intra personal, naturalistic, spatial and spiritual
38. 3 levels of knowledge -
a. Adaptive layer or lowest - who do the given task, it is very difficult for them to survive for long, here technical work is involved and no innovation
b. experiential layer - getting into the shoes of the customer and no technical work is involved
c. Existential layer - devi shetty's reception with Bengali, creep into the customer's mind
39. 5 minds of the future - mind of discipline (to master any profession it takes 10 yrs), respectful, creative, ethical and synthesis(to look at any issue or a solution from multidisciplinary viewpoint
40. Ability to ask critical questions - what is my job, who are my customers etc if anybody had asked abt the design of titanic it wud not have sunk
41. Balance between family and work- if there are any emergencies do take off
42. Rainmaker - is a professional with a disproportionate capacity to add value to an organization, think of steve jobs standford speech without a penny its worth millions of dollar of advertising, check google quotient
43. Alwaays respect women in workplace
44. Cross cultural - great job in US means than you most of the time, we need to understand this.
45. Governance - never drink milk under a palm tree, people will assume its toddy. If you are the finance head don’t deposit money in your relative's bank.
46. Intellecutal property - We should never ever use others material, we should not be using others creativity
47. Sustainability - be very cautious in using water, tissue, paper cups etc
48. Yen of professionalism - Japanese are known for their professionalism, taxi driver returned the money for not knowing the route, lift lady replied that her company pays her to do the job and she tried really hard to do a good job and she feels proud about it and not boring as per NRN, no tips in Japan, being inspiring reference to others.
Hope you enjoyed the book. If you did, do share and comment!!!!
12. Never lose touch with your work - if we become a senior manager we tend to forget our core testing skills or typing skill, so every now and then we need to keep refreshing them
13. Being proactive - is to live like a king, not afraid of anything, willing to start a conversation, willing to start something new, but there will be more trouble/work but king is not afraid of trouble
14. Always take charge - when any tough situation comes take ownership to solve
15. Be humble - we should not give respect to a person bec he is a senior manager, rather we should respect as a person not position
16. Time management - don't overeat, Sleep well, exercise well, meditate - doing all this will infact increase time
17. Doing more by doing less - being engaged 24/7 does not mean ur achieving more, rather disengage from unwanted stuffs and do what encourages u
18. Have a to do list - also can follow 18 minute rule, 5 minutes preparing what to achieve today, 1 minute to review every hr, 5 minutes to check if something cud have been done better
19. Saying no - never do things u do not want to do, say no to chores or requests outside of work, please do not attend the meeting if it is of no value to u or if u feel u r not going to add any value addition
20. Quit whining - always people say they want challenging jobs, challenging jobs are just an illusion, all jobs are monotonous like doctor, etc making the routine interesting is a challenge - quit a job if the entire organization is hampering ur growth
21. Bigger view - always do things with best of ur abilities it can be a small or big work, it will pay back in future
22. Connectors - good to have a lot of network
23. Whitespace - when we are traveling or waiting in clients office do not waste time rather use that as a whitespace between words - should be an oasis of recreation and rest
24. Reuse - whatever you are trying to do try maximum to reuse like presentations, documents etc
25. Touch time - when a material goes out of a factory that is the touch time not how much of a machinery they have etc, likewise we can be busy throughout the day and yet not achieve our touch time - so maintain a time entry for he entire day to see how much of an unproductive work we do - also it is essential to take a periodic off to refresh ourselves
26. When path diverge - job is like a marriage or buying a new house, we need to look for all aspects and also both the job and the organization should be good. Do not Change jobs just for a salary hike, always try to add value
27. Always have vision - our profession is an instrument to build and deliver value to others, what good is the instrument in the hands of a person who has no vision
28. Values are very important to a person, we should not fake for tax benefits
29. Commitment to commitment - we must try to keep even small commitments which we make, if we do not keep the commitments it's not disrespecting others it is disrespecting yourself
30. Be prepared - always be very well prepared to go for any meeting erc, consider a doctor and everyone if I have to repeat ur problem it wud frustrate u rather if he had all info abt u u would be happy likewise when we are going to a meeting be prepared with last time action items everything
31. Ask pertinent questions - always ask 5 whys and 1 how to do a root cause analysis thereby we can fix the actual issue
32. Intent listening - make the other person feel genuinely that u r listening
33. Treat everyone as a human being - even if they are motionless
34. Being transparent is always rewarding
35. Abilene paradox - individually we might not want to do a particular task but in a group we would agree to do like Satyam computers
36. Use both sides of the brain
37. 8 levels of intelligence have to be developed - literary, music, kinesthetic, inter personal, intra personal, naturalistic, spatial and spiritual
38. 3 levels of knowledge -
a. Adaptive layer or lowest - who do the given task, it is very difficult for them to survive for long, here technical work is involved and no innovation
b. experiential layer - getting into the shoes of the customer and no technical work is involved
c. Existential layer - devi shetty's reception with Bengali, creep into the customer's mind
39. 5 minds of the future - mind of discipline (to master any profession it takes 10 yrs), respectful, creative, ethical and synthesis(to look at any issue or a solution from multidisciplinary viewpoint
40. Ability to ask critical questions - what is my job, who are my customers etc if anybody had asked abt the design of titanic it wud not have sunk
41. Balance between family and work- if there are any emergencies do take off
42. Rainmaker - is a professional with a disproportionate capacity to add value to an organization, think of steve jobs standford speech without a penny its worth millions of dollar of advertising, check google quotient
43. Alwaays respect women in workplace
44. Cross cultural - great job in US means than you most of the time, we need to understand this.
45. Governance - never drink milk under a palm tree, people will assume its toddy. If you are the finance head don’t deposit money in your relative's bank.
46. Intellecutal property - We should never ever use others material, we should not be using others creativity
47. Sustainability - be very cautious in using water, tissue, paper cups etc
48. Yen of professionalism - Japanese are known for their professionalism, taxi driver returned the money for not knowing the route, lift lady replied that her company pays her to do the job and she tried really hard to do a good job and she feels proud about it and not boring as per NRN, no tips in Japan, being inspiring reference to others.
Hope you enjoyed the book. If you did, do share and comment!!!!