I am back with another notes from a very famous book "Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs" by Carmine Gallo. Its a must read for all out there looking to present well. Below are the notes. The below snippets can be of multiple use:
- If you have already read the book, you can use the below as a revising tool
- If you have'n't read the book -> You can very well read the below -> If you like it -> You can purchase the book.
A person can have the greatest idea in the world - completely different and novel - but if that person can't convince enough other people( it doesn't matter
So this is the snippet. If you have liked it -> Do comment and share it with your friends.
The book is mainly divided into 3 parts:
- Create the story - a strong story will give you the confidence and ability to win over the audience
- deliver the experience - how to turn presentation into visually appealing and must have experience
- Refine and rehearse - body language, verbal delivery, making scripted presentation sound natural and conversational
- Steve had this skill to turn boring items into exciting brand stories
- Do not let your idea die because u failed to present them in a way that sparked imagination of your listeners
- A presenter spends 90 hrs to create an hour long presentation that contains 30 slide - 1/3rd of the time i.e, 27 hrs is spent on research, collecting inputs, organizing ideas
- Bullets die - Steve never uses bullets
- Napkin test - lots of great ideas started by writing their ideas in a napkin
9 elements of great presentation:
- Headline - what is the one big idea we want to leave our audience with - it should be short twitter like - 140 char or less - apple reinvents the phone today
- passion statement - I am excited about this because ........
- 3 key messages - write the 3 messages your audience to receive
- Metaphors and analogies - metaphors are like - computer is equivalent to bicycle of our minds - analogies - microprocessor is the brain of your computer - Steve said iTunes is the most fav software in windows
- demonstrations - when Steve demoed OS X it had 100 new features, but he showcased only 10 and he demoed it live for all the 10 features
- Partners - jobs would share the stage with key partners
- Customer evidence and 3rd party endorsements - word of mouth is very important for any product - quoting great people and their feedback, showing a short testimonial etc
- Video clips - videos less than 2 minutes can be used within presentations - average viewed video clip is 2.5 minutes
- flip chars, props and show and tell - there are 3 types if learners: visual (majority fall in this category), auditory (listeners) and kinesthetic (people who like to feel and touch) - jobs showed the Mac air to all in the crowd
- Use simple terms and always try to answer audience question - why should I care? Why should the journalist care, why should the customers care?
- Simple terms - virtualization - it saves power and get more out of their hardware purchases
- Dual core - simple terms - its like having 2 brains
- Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world
- Jobs always use to use first name while talking and will always look into the eyes
- Do what you love - jobs speaks with passion, enthusiasm and energy - you've got to find what you love. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.
- Gardner said - find something you love to do so much, you can't wait for the sun to rise to do it all over again
- Great leaders rally people to a better future
- Oprah Winfrey - follow your passion. Do what you love and the money will follow. Most people don't believe it, but it's true
- As a leader you are never satisfied with the present, because in your head you can see a better future, and the friction between what is and what could be burns you to propel forward. This is leadership
- Design is a funny word, some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it's really how it works.
- Dig deep to identify that which you are most passionate about, once you do share the enthusiasm with others
- 140 characters or less - apple reinvents the phone, world thinnest laptop etc
- Cisco changes the way we live, work, play and learn
- If you cannot tell what your company does in one line less than 10 words then no one is interested
- Steve jobs always loves the rule of 3 for communicating - we are introducing 3 products finally it's not 3 it's iPhone
- It's said that we cannot remember more than 4 to 5 messages at a time, hence Steve used to always keep it at 3
- Jobs provides road map using the rule of 3
- There are no agenda slides in jobs presentation - during Mac air presentation - we have 4 things today first is leopard, next iPhone then iTunes and finally Mac air / the slides just mirror our narrative - it contains only numbers in this case 1, 2 etc
- Steve's Stanford speech also talks about I would like to share 3 stories of my life
- Sportsperson speech - there are 3 things which you need to do daily - first laugh, next think and lad bring tears either through happiness or joy. If you laugh, think and cry your life is complete
So this is the snippet. If you have liked it -> Do comment and share it with your friends.