So get going... you will have fun in making it happen and your kid will love you for what you have given them on their special day. You just have to make them feel special... that's the trick!! Absolutely...I know you can do anything to bring a smile on their face.
So let's begin... first decide where you are going to host your party - indoors or outdoors?? So that you will be clear in what you can decorate. Like if it's an outdoor party - less of decoration and more of theme based games and activities. Indoor - lots of decoration, music, indoor activities, gifts, etc. Then go through the below listed ideas... and pick yours!! If you don't find your kid's aspiration here... atleast you will go back with more creative ideas to decorate your party with available supplies.
Whatever be the theme you chose, you would be wondering where to start your planning from! Some of the best things that can bring on the essence of the theme easily are: Start with the Printable Invitations, Cupcake toppers, Themed Cake decoration, hanging decorations, party banners, lanterns, candles, balloons, table decorations, plates, spoons and forks on the same theme or tied with a cute patterned ribbon matching the theme, printable labels for putting up dish names, the platters can be different from the quite normal dish wares - serve in something quirky related to the theme, themed gift boxes for the guests, the shape color and decorated food items like cupcakes, cookies, etc. Don't forget to decorate your entrance to the party. Don't worry.. there a lot of blogs out there which give you free printables on most of the themes.